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Monday, August 21, 2023

How Busy Families Can Improve Family Time

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Busy schedules can create a negative impact on family time. Although society values success and ambition, it is equally important to have strong family ties. Getting enough family time helps build strong emotional bonds, enhances academic achievement, and decreases behavioral problems and emotional distress. However, it isn’t always possible for busy families to fit in all their activities. Fortunately, there are a few simple things you can do to improve family time in your busy life.

First, set boundaries. Setting limits on activities and events your children can participate in will help ease the stress of constant busyness. For example, limit the number of extracurricular activities your kids can participate in. Consider your own schedule, your children’s interests, and the amount of time each activity requires. When deciding what activities to limit, consider what activities are important and which are not.

Prepare snacks ahead of time. Making snacks in advance will increase the likelihood that your busy families will eat wholesome foods. Also, having the ingredients to make them ahead of time will save you time during busy weeks. Keeping an ongoing grocery list is also an important way to reduce stress. Keep the list in a visible place, such as your fridge or phone. Be sure to write down ingredients if you run out of something.

Lastly, make sure to spend quality time with your child, even if you are busy. Children thrive when they are active in activities other than parents, and caregivers outside the home teach them valuable skills. As a busy parent, you are still a huge influence in their lives, but there are some steps you can take to make the quality time you have with them count.

Prioritize activities that will help your busy families get along. This might mean saying no to some things that you’d like to do. Try to plan family dinners and family fun time, whether it’s board games, movies, or hiking. And don’t forget to have some time for yourself as well. This time is important. When you spend time with your family, you’ll find that the stress level you feel at the end of the day will drop.

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