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Tuesday, August 8, 2023

What is the Meaning of Fashionate in Lao?

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There are two kinds of people: fashionate people and fashion whores. Fashionate people are those who have an obsession with fashion and create their own outfits with ease. Fashion whores, on the other hand, skimp on the passion and love for fashion of others and shop at department stores for pre-made outfits displayed in the store. They then take the outfits home and simply restyle them the way they first saw them.

Meaning of Fashionate

If you’re looking for the meaning of fashionate in Lao, you’ve come to the right place. The Lao version of the word is khonbedd. Here is the translation:


Misspellings of Fashionate

What are the different misspellings of fashionate? This graph shows how frequently the word was spelled between 1800 and 2008. The correct spelling is “fashion” but there are many different variations. The following is a list of some of the most common misspellings. If you’re still not sure what a word means, consider the following explanations. Listed below are the most common misspellings of fashionate.

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