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Friday, August 18, 2023

Invivo Health Encino

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Invivo Health Encino is a chiropractic practice that provides spinal manipulation for a variety of problems. Patients can expect to see positive results from their treatments, which are especially effective for musculoskeletal disorders. Other conditions that may benefit from chiropractic treatment include sports injuries, post-surgical recovery, and digestive issues.

The National Provider Identifier (NPI) of Invivo Natural Health Center is 10 digits long and is issued by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. To apply for a loan, businesses must have at least 152,000 in payroll expenses for the year 2019. The PPP eligibility formula estimates that Invivo Health Encino Center will have payroll expenses of $152,914 in 2019. The average PPP loan for Encino businesses in this industry was $28,995, and they reported an average of three employees.

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